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Join date: Jan 11, 2023


With 20 years of experience in private, charter, and public schools, Yvonne Thompson is an advocate for students and their teachers. She served in the early 2000s as a curriculum consultant for Brown University’s Watson Institute of International Studies Choices materials, the Indiana Kids Election resources, and for the Indiana University for the Center of Global Change. From 2012-13, she worked at the National Collegiate Athletic Association, reviewing high school curriculum for incoming Division 1 and 2 athletes. She has taught ELA and Social Studies courses at Brownsburg High School and Covenant Christian High School. She was named the 2016-17 Brownsburg High School Teacher of the Year and while at CCHS, her students were actively involved with the Center for Civic Education’s We the People program. Closing achievement gaps and providing multi-tiered instruction for all learning levels was Yvonne’s driving force in the classroom, and her background includes teaching both AP and Co-Teach classes. Yvonne has also served as an Instructional Coach at Perry Township Schools and Christel House Academy, as well as a PLC leader in both English and Social Studies. Yvonne has a B.S. in Journalism, Political Science, and History from Ball State University and a Masters in Education Administration from Butler University. Yvonne’s written work has appeared in books, magazines, newspapers, and educational websites, including Achieve the Core, PLC Connect and The Indianapolis Star.

Yvonne Thompson


Educational Consultant

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