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English/Language Arts, 6-12, Indiana's Updated Standards

Writer's picture: Carrie RosebrockCarrie Rosebrock

Indiana's Updated Standards English/Language Arts K-5 Document

In line with the recently updated standards as of Spring 2023, we are excited to present the compilation of recommended standards for Indiana educators. The Indiana Department of Education did a wonderful job consolidating grade-specific standards into easily accessible PDF documents.

If you haven't had the chance to explore the files yet, the accompanying memo provides links to folders that house the following subjects:

To assist educators in grasping the changes in standards, we are currently in the process of creating Google Sheets that highlight which standards are now considered Essential, which ones remain unchanged, and which have been reduced. Our goal is to compile these standards, grade by grade, so that you can utilize this valuable information during your vertical conversations.

The IDOE documents will present the standards in a numerical order, and when it comes to English/Language Arts, you may notice a slight shift. In this domain, there are now three distinct categories, some of which may use different terms compared to our previous standards—terms that, while not entirely unfamiliar, offer a fresh perspective.

The three new domains are: Reading Comprehension, Writing, and Communication and Collaboration.

Personally, I find the new organization and numbering of the standards to be quite commendable. Instead of designating a standard as RL 2.3, for example, the reading comprehension standards are now presented as approximately 10 standards, sequentially numbered from 1 to 10. This revised structure brings together elements such as fiction, nonfiction, and vocabulary under the broader umbrella of reading comprehension.

If you were familiar with the prior standards, you will quickly recognize the similarities.

The IDOE documents excel at clearly indicating which standards are Essential; these are shaded in gray and feature an "(E)" at the end of the sentence. On the 2023 Reduced Indiana Academic Standards, ELA, 6-12 document, we have placed the Essential standards at the top to create ease of reference. However, I fully recognize that the standards in non-numerical order throughout the document, may be tough and bothersome for some of us!

I debated over whether to complete all the sheets before sharing them, but considering the somewhat time consuming nature of the copy/paste process, I concluded that it would be more beneficial to share our progress as we go. I am delighted to provide you with the 2023 Reduced Indiana Academic Standards, ELA, 6-12 for your use.

Here is the link to access the 2023 Reduced Indiana Academic Standards, ELA, K-5 post (document link included).

Lastly, I strongly encourage you to explore the IDOE's links to each individual grade band and their respective standards. The effort put forth is truly commendable. Well done!

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