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Enneagram Type 8: The Challenger in a PLC

Writer's picture: Carrie RosebrockCarrie Rosebrock

Enneagram Type 8 and Professional Learning Community

According to the Enneagram, a Type 8 is sometimes known as the Challenger or even the protector. Motivated by a desire to seek justice, maintain control, and avoid vulnerability, Enneagram eights are usually a strong energy in any group they join. As an Enneagram 8 myself, I notice that I try to control my eight-ness by loving the positive attributes and ignoring the not so positive ones. Makes total sense that I would attempt to avoid this is classic 8!

In a PLC, the Type Eight may be the appointed or unappointed leader, but make no mistake--they provide leadership to this team. A Type Eight is called to lead, not for personal gain, but for collective justice and action--particularly for their students. When a Type Eight determines a clear path of success for all, that is the path that will be taken. Rather than judge an Eight's decisiveness and confidence, you might want to lean in and trust it!

Type Eight's worst case scenario is a scattered, circling, indecisive team. It's not that Eights don't value discussion and collaboration, they just only need so much of it before synthesizing the next steps to take. To overly discuss, overly plan, overly committee, overly manage decisions that involve an Eight is to stifle their ability to provide some of their greatest strengths to their team. If Type Eights had a mantra it might be something like, "I see it--now let's go!"

For a Type Eight to thrive, remind the team of their clear goals and steps to accomplish the tasks. Frequently connect team decisions to student impact, and clarify the purpose behind team processes, documents, assessments, etc. Eights refuse to jump through hoops--so don't make them. If they challenge a current process or action, it's probably for good reason.

Remember, though Type Eights do love control, they are not motivated to control for their own sake. Their motivation comes from a desire to create just, equitable learning experiences for all students. If they question the team or another leader's decisions, it's to uncover a truth that will lead to justice and/or improved experiences.

Enneagram Type 8 and Professional Learning Community

A Type Eight at their best is confident in rallying their team around a common cause. They listen to all voices, process the options, and unite their team around a common vision. Eights do need to be mindful of the dominating presence in their teams and work to ground themselves to provide loving space for all other members.


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