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8 Questions to Ask Your PLCs

Writer's picture: Carrie RosebrockCarrie Rosebrock

One of the most effective ways we can support our processes is to consistently provide feedback to our teams. According to 2023 Visible Learning research, feedback in the form of reinforcement and cues has an effect size of 1.01, while feedback on tasks and processes has an effect of .63. John Hattie's Visible Learning research indicates that any influence with an effect of .40 or higher is likely to considerably accelerate learning. Therefore, feedback--to our teams--proves to be an integral part of the PLC system.

Consistently providing feedback looks like giving concise, written or verbal feedback after every single meeting. If you can designate 15 minutes of your leadership time each week on this task, your teams will improve their abilities to capture ideas during meetings--as well as their abilities to follow-through on the ideas and decisions made during PLCs.

What does helpful feedback look like? I suggest that you aim for no more than 2-3 comments each week. Consider providing 1 statement of reinforcement and no more than 2 prompting questions that would guide the team to consider thinking critically about a component of the curriculum, assessment, data, instruction cycle.

Here is a simple handout that you can use to prompt further thinking with your teams. Consider also creating your own list as a leadership team in a building leadership meeting. Curious about how to set up an building leadership meeting agenda/schedule? Check out our related post, "Do we Really Need a Building Leadership Team? Really?"


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